
Showing posts from June, 2012

Carrot Juice

Today's recipe is a  fresh,colorful,vitamin packed,healthy juice which can be made in a jiffy.The weather is getting hotter day by day here and wanted to drink something cold. Usually I make carrot juice with apple or lemon but last week in a T.V show,a popular chef made this juice with orange.I wanted to give a try with orange juice instead of lemon juice,came out so delicious and refreshing.Now to the recipe........... Ingredients Ingredient Quantity Baby carrots 20-25nos. Orange 1no. Sugar 2tbs Water as needed Salt a pinch Method               Chop the carrots and put it a blender,pulse it without adding water. Once it is finely minced add water and puree it till it become a paste. Now strain it using a strainer and extract the juice completely,again pulse the pulp with litltle water,extract it. Add the orange juice and salt,sugar.Add the ice water and mix it well.Refrigerate for 15-minutes and serve. Add the ice water and mix it w

Pasta Payasam/Kheer

I tasted this yummy pasta kheer in a restaurant buffet for the first time a year ago.When I saw this kheer in the buffet I had lots of doubts how pasta tastes in a sweet dish,but when I tasted,it tastes divine and started liking each and every spoon. The next day without any second thought I made this one on my own and came out delicious,shared this recipe with my sister and mom.They also made this one for a family get together and it was a huge hit.Here is the recipe.................... Ingredients Ingredient Quantity Pasta 1/3cup Sugar 1/4cup Milk 21/2cups Sweetened condensed milk 1/2cup Ghee 2tsp Cashews(finely chopped) 3tbs Almonds or pistachios(finely chopped) 2-3nos.(for garnishing) Cardamom powder/ellakai podi 1/2tsp Saffron/kungumapoo 4-6strands Method                          Cook the pasta in boiling water and drain the excess water,grind 1tbs of cashews with 2-3tbs of milk to a fine paste and keep aside. Boil the milk in a pan and add the sugar

Aval/Rice flakes Payasam(Microwave Method)

For the day 2 of blogging marathon#17 I made this simple aval payasam in microwave oven and it came out super delicious. This is a easy to make payasam which hardly takes 10-15 minutes and I make it mostly on Fridays for prasadham. My mom makes this payasam little different using sugar and regular milk but here I used the jaggery and coconut milk.Now to the recipe................ Ingredients Ingredient Quantity Rice flakes/aval 1cup Powdered Jaggery/vellam 1/2-3/4cup Coconut milk/thengai paal 2cups Ghee 3tsp Cashews(finely chopped) 2tbs Cardamom powder/ellakai podi 1/2tsp Coconut pieces(finely chopped) 2tbs Raisins(optional) 2tsp Edible camphor/pacchakarpooram a small rice grain size Method                                In a microwave safe bowl take the powdered jaggery and add 1/2cup of water, keep it in the microwave for 3-4 minutes or till it becomes a thick syrup.Fry the cashews and coconut pieces separately in a tsp of ghee,keep aside. In an a

Corn Flour Halwa

For the final week of blogging marathon#17 I have chosen the Indian sweets payasam and halwa theme,today's recipe is cornflour halwa.This halwa is also known as Karachi Halwa. Corn flour halwa is a delicious and excellent halwa which can be made in no time with easily available ingredients and lesser amount of ghee.Here goes the recipe for simple halwa......... Ingredients Ingredient Quantity Corn Flour 1/2cup Sugar 11/2cups Water 21/2cups Ghee 2-3tbs Cashews(finely chopped) 2-3tbs Elachi powder/ellakai podi 1/2tsp Food colour(red or orange) a pinch Method                         Fry the cashews in 1/2tsp of ghee and grease a small plate or tray with little ghee.Mix the corn flour with 11/2cups of water along with the food color without any lumps,keep aside.Heat a heavy bottom pan and add the sugar and 1 cup of water,bring it to a boil till it becomes thick(no need of any string consistency). Add the corn flour mixture slowly to the sugar syrup and stir

Eggless strawberry Ice Cream

Last week we been to strawberry picking,got 3 pounds of strawberries and some of them are over ripe,sour couldn't consume it.So I made strawberry milk shake and ice cream before it spoils. I almost followed the same recipe of the mango ice cream which i make often and came out delicious and exotic.Now to the recipe.............. Ingredients Ingredient Quantity Whipping cream 1cup Condensed milk 2/3cup Strawberry Puree(from fresh or frozen strawberries) 11/4cups Sugar 3tbs Strawberry(finely chopped) 5-6nos. Method                                         Clean the strawberries and chop them,puree it in a blender along with the sugar and keep aside. In a mixing bowl,add the whipping cream and blend it with a electric beater or hand blender to soft peak consistency. Now add condensed milk and strawberry puree to the cream. Mix it well with a spatula(no need of blender).Transfer it to a freezer safe bowl and cover the top with a cling wrap,close i