Bread Jamun

For the day 2 of blogging Marathon#35 I am sharing you all a simple yet delicious jamuns made out of leftover bread.
This jamun tastes more or less similar to the khoya jamun and can be made in a jiffy.If you want you can stuff the jamuns with nuts and saffron.But today I made without any stuffing and used cardamom powder for the flavor.Lets move on to the recipe..................................

Basic Information

Preparation time 15 minutes
Cooking time 20-25 minutes
Soaking time 2 hours
Makes 13


White Bread slice6
Milk powder2tbs
Full cream milk/whole milk1/4-1/3cup
Cardamom powder/ellakai1/2tsp
Oilfor frying


Heat the sugar in a pan with 3/4 cup of water and stir it,keep in a medium flame till it becomes thick(no need of string consistency).Add the cardamom powder and keep it aside.

Trim the edges of the bread and tear into pieces and blend it to a fine powder in a blender.Transfer it to a bowl,to this add the milk powder and mix it well.Sprinkle milk little by little and make a soft dough.

Grease the palm and fingers with a drop of ghee,now pinch out a small gooseberry size of dough and roll it to a smooth ball without giving too much of pressure.Continue for the rest of the dough.

Heat a pan with oil and ghee in a medium flame and fry 4-5 balls at a time to a nice golden brown color.
Add the fried jamuns to the sugar syrup and let it soak for 2-3 hours.

Top it with some finely chopped nuts and serve.


  • Frying the jamuns in the medium flame is very important to get a nicely cooked golden color jamuns.
  • Addition of ghee is purely optional but it gives a rich taste.
  • While making the balls don't give too much of pressure.
  • Rose water can be added for extra flavor.
  • This jamun doesn't double in size like the regular jamun so make the desired size you want.

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