Besan ka cheela/Gramflour crepes/Kadalamaavu Dosai

For day 3 of Blogging Marathon #48 under the theme Nasta time sharing you a simple and instant crepe.
This recipe I noted down from the regional T.V show.Its a very easy to make one and can be made with readily available  ingredients.Here I  used onion and tomato as topping for the crepe/cheela.To make it even more healthier grated carrot,cheese can also be added.Off to  the  recipe...............

                                                                         Besan Ka Cheela/Gramflour Crepes

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 15 minutes
   Cooking time 10 minutes
   Makes 3-4(depending on the size)


Gram flour/Kadalamaavu/Besan
1 cup
Red chilly powder/milagai podi
3/4-1 tsp
Turmeric powder/Manjal podi
1/4 tsp
1/8 tsp
Green chilly/pachamilagai
3/4 tsp
Coriander leaves(chopped)
2-3 tbs
1(medium size)
1 (small size)
2 tbs

  • Take all the dry ingredients in a bowl,to this add the chopped coriander leaves and green chilly.Mix it well,gradually add water and mix it to a slightly thin batter.Mix the onion and tomato together and set it aside.

  • Keep the dosa griddle on a medium flame,grease it with a drop of oil. Pour the batter in the center and spread it.Now immediately sprinkle the onion,tomato mixture to dosa and gently press it.Drizzle a tsp of oil and cook it for a minute.Now flip the dosa to the other side and cook it for a minute,add another tsp of oil.Remove it from the griddle.

  •  Serve it immediately with coriander or mint chutney.

  • The batter should not be too watery or thick.
  • If you want the cheelas /dosas to be spicy,sprinkle some sliced green chilly.


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